Peace Brigades International

Berichten over Shelter City

Artikel over Shelter City gast Lottie in OneWorld

Onze Shelter City gast Lottie gaf tijdens haar verblijf in Utrecht een interview aan OneWorld. Lees het artikel, ‘De Verpleegser Die Advocaat Werd’, over haar werk en de mensenrechtensituatie in Nicaragua hier:    

Introduction new Shelter City guest: Lottie Cunningham Wren from Nicaragua

Utrecht introduces the new Shelter City guest: Lottie Cunningham Wren! With her non-profit organisation CEJUDHCAN (Center for Justice and Human Rights of the Nicaraguan Coast), Lottie advocates for the rights of the indigenous and afro-descendant peoples of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast. Through her implementation of strategic litigation, Lottie has worked to protect the collective human rights […]