Peace Brigades International

Berichten over Venezuela

A look back at: film screening ‘Punished for Protesting: how family members seek justice’

On November 24th, PBI organized a film screening and discussion about Venezuela with our Shelter City guest Neyls. Neyls also took part in a discussion after the two documentaries were shown, with moderator and PBI volunteer Sarah and translator Hania. Sarah Lamberigts opened the evening with an introduction of PBI and the work that we […]

Artikel Sarah en de mensenrechtenverdedigers

Journalist in opleiding Miranda Niccolai heeft een artikel over Sarah, haar positie bij PBI, het Shelter City project en Neyls geschreven. Lees hieronder het uitgebreide artikel, en lees ook de verkorte versie die online gepubliceerd is op de interne website van de School voor Journalistiek. SARAH en de MENSENRECHTENVERDEDIGERS SARAH LAMBERIGTS organiseert samen met Shelter City […]

David Gómez Gamboa

A Venezuelan defender of Human Rights Written by: Inti Suarez David is a professor, a professor from one of the most important universities in his country. There are many images that we associate to such title. We think in intellectuals, in complicated matters that require nights of study, in long lessons delivered to big audiences, […]

David Gómez’s work as a human rights defender

David is a university professor and human rights defender who focuses on the topics of academic freedom, university autonomy and quality of education. But what is academic freedom actually and why is this important? As democracy is weakened and economic and social conditions deteriorate in Venezuela, the academic freedom and autonomy of Venezuelan universities are […]